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Sponsored guide   |    > Sponsorship > Sponsored guide

  • Regular sponsor
  • Non-Regular sponsor
  • Fee by payment method

    Account transfer is the safest and most convenient method of payment made by the Financial Accounting Agency.
    The fee is the cheapest, so a lot of donations can be used for meaningful projects

    ** ** fee = Automatic transfer (160 won/case), credit card (3.5 percent)

    ※ Account transfer: An automatic transfer is delegated to the foundation without having to go to the bank. If you apply for an automatic transfer, the monthly promised donation through the automatic transfer computer network will be automatically transferred to the sponsored account of the Korea Sports Tourism Marketing Association.
    However, if the specified date is a holiday, the withdrawal date can be changed to the next day.

  • sponsored by
    • 하남종합운동장 국민체육센터
    • 군산시
    • 경희대학교></a>
							<a href=가천대학교
    • sportsplusi
    • 문화기획창
    • 물맑은지리산쌀
    • 시사뉴스
    • 수도권일보
    • 한국경제